I was never really the girl who thought about my wedding, or dreamt of being a bride. I never daydreamed about a wedding. But I was always daydreaming about love. Bryce and I were together in high school. We were always a bit like magnets. Drawn together and then pulled apart by the lives we were leading. I was travelling on cruise ships as a photographer and he was chasing his hockey dreams all over the states and Germany playing professional hockey. We reunited finally in 2007 back in Campbell River, I had written in my journal months before we reconnected... "I will remember his name, the way his hands feel in mine. It will be easy, effortless." A few years of being together I flipped open the page of my journal to that very writing. I did remember his name, his hands. It was him. Easy, not a struggle. One sweet pup and 2 beautiful kids later {it felt right to tie us all together in a wedding ceremony.} My 89 year old Grandma told us she wanted us to get married so she could see it! No one argues with Grannie Goodheart. We set a date on September 20 2014.
What was important to us about our wedding? That it was small and as intimate as possible. I love my extended family dearly and hoped they would forgive me for not inviting the whole clan. We wanted it to feel like we had called over our closest friends and people for a dinner party, but way more beautiful. They would be the ones that had been there time and time again for us, with us... in our moments. It wasn't about anyone else for us, it was just about our little family. It had to be small. It was 38 people. Perfect. Other important factors.... For me, the photos. Obviously. I had followed Melia of Lucida Photography for years and was always taken with her elegant and lovely images. No fuss, no extra stuff, no fancy lighting or doing weird things.... just beautiful photos. It had to be her. I didn't really even consider anyone else. No joke. Location. Bryce and I both are lovers of the sea, Bryce didn't really make a fuss about much about the wedding, however... he was adamant it would be on the ocean and that the food would be amazing. For me, I am a collector of treasures. I started collecting over a year in advance. Copper. Lots of copper and tarnished silver things. Put that all together and we found ourselves at Dolphins Resort in Campbell River under the {then} patient, loving care of Carmen and Joe (who are now at Gowlland Harbour being just as awesome). Being in the business of weddings really made my choices pretty effortless. I knew I would collect things I loved, spray paint things, beg Shannon to do all sorts of crazy craft art experiments and if I choked on the day of the wedding Carmen and THE AMAZING florist/designer Karen of Petal and Kettle would make sure it all look brilliant and everything would be ok. And, that is exactly what happened.
In hindsight, my favourite things are all tied to moments. Which I love.
I had seen the lovely Elizabeth Messina for her wedding had covered chocolate bars with her photographs. I thought it was insanely beautiful. I wanted to do something similar but different. I realized that I had basically photographed every single person at our wedding. So, I decided to set their places with a photograph I had taken of them wrapped around their Lindt sea salt (yes please) chocolate bar. One of my favourite moments was walking into the elegant and perfectly candle-lit space and seeing everyones reactions to seeing their photos at the table. (I just burst into tears remembering it) There were people who had tears in their eyes, held their hand to their heart... it was just so special for me. I wanted to say... I love you, thank you for being here... without words... with images. One of my highlights. For sure.
Another favourite moment... My sister in law {Orsi} is an amazing singer (among many other talents) and months before the wedding I had asked her if she would sing a song for my dad to walk Maisie and I down the isle to. She nervously wracked her brain for months, trying out countless songs. She wasn't sold on any of them and none of them felt right. I had no idea either, I didn't want something that I had heard before. The night before the wedding I was sitting in our cabin with our kids tucked in bed, with my sister and another friend.... Orsi called "can I come over I have a song I want you to hear." She could have just told me over the phone, or texted but she drove over and in the dimly lit cabin she walked in with her guitar. She sat down with her brave and courageous heart and started singing.... and I had big beautiful cheeks rolling down my cheeks the entire time. It was absolutely magical and perfect. So authentic, brilliant and the best possible choice.
“Oh yeah I tell you somethin’
I think you’ll understand
When I say that somethin’
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
Oh please say to me
You’ll let me be your man
And please say to me
You’ll let me hold your hand
Now, let me hold your hand
I want to hold your hand”
So many moments.... staring into the eyes of my handsome man and our beautiful children as we said our vows on the beach before the sea, my hairdresser and amazing human Megan saying to me.. "sit here. this is what you are supposed to be doing. Just sit right here." She was doing a great job of "handling" me. Heather giving me a custom hand made doll that is special, thoughtful and so AWESOME. Carmen bribing Eduardo with rum to raid all the cabins for cool chairs, Shannon bringing to life (and rescuing) ALL of my wild ideas and just before the ceremony... texting me photos of the flattened spoons she was hand engraving with everyones names for the place settings "what do you think? look ok???" They looked amazing OF COURSE. Maisie smearing black eye shadow all over the beautiful white bed spread just before getting her dress on. One of my amazing wedding clients sending me champagne with the words "Wishing you.... all the beauty today that you gave us." which was the only thing that made me burst into tears that day. Looking around at the sea of beautiful faces of all of the people who truly just have our backs. Orca families happily swimming by as I was having my makeup done... as if on cue. Possibly the best though... was Maisie announced "I do" and "he does" during the ceremony and then later gave an amazing and totally unprompted and unexpected speech to the whole crowd. It was amazing and perfect as she shouted "TO ERIN AND BRYCE"... I can't even think about it without having the hugest smile on my face. Elliot being a super wild man... running laps on the beach with his "handler" chasing him around {Thank you Risa}. Having an impromptu "tea party" with Grannie Goodheart. Bryce's "last man standing" trophy. Wearing the cameo my grandpa had commissioned for my Grandma in WW2 in Italy. My sisters speech.... "don't be a dick"and "who's a dick now". Of course standing on the top of a mountain overlooking Sutil channel, Reid, Cortes, Qudra and Vancouver Island was pretty freaking memorable. {not to mention being transported there by one of the coolest chicks ever. Krista Houston of Grizzly Helicopters. UNREAL. Skip the wedding, go for the helicopter photos. Highly recommend!!! I just am feeling the love and what a better time to share our wedding photos, than a year later. ox {Ps. I know there are too many photos. I just couldn't choose. Forgive me. ox}
- Photography all by: Lucida Photography
- Venue: Dolphins Resort
- Event co-ordinating: Carmen Amberson-Volk
- Catering: Joe Volk at Dolphins Resort
- Flowers and event decor: Petal and Kettle
- Hair: Megan Hairpins
- Makeup: Ali Indira Esthetics
- All things in print: Shannon Lim
- Table rentals: All in One Party Shop
- All decor is mine, believe it or not. ha!
- Kids necklaces Pyrrah
- Our wedding was featured in Wedding Bells Magazine see the feature HERE and in the current issue of Weddingbells.
All photos in this post were taken by Lucida Photography