It's no secret that I've been lacking in the blogging department.
As a wedding/portrait photographer my busiest months are May-September. Perhaps that is why I am only really resurfacing now, in October.
It isn't a secret, but I also haven't exactly been making any "public" announcements about the fact that I have spent the past 5 months also growing a baby. Let's be honest ladies who've done this... the first trimester is no joke, and add that to being in my busiest season, shooting weddings.. travelling all over, trying to maintain balance in my family, walk the dog, clean the house, be nice, answer emails, edit and run my business... blogging was sacrificed. And, while we're keeping it real... my house completely fell apart. Like, laundry everywhere, dust for days, piles of "I'll deal with that later" all over. But, whatever... we made it.
I've felt more private with this pregnancy for some reason. Just didn't really want to make any kind of 'announcement'. So many reasons, but mainly... I'll just blame it on the hormones.
In any case, here I am.
5 months in, and we're all looking forward to a new addition to our family in February. I'm thrilled that my absolute favourite time of year is here, and it's straight into sweaters and hot baths. A perfect way to spend the next 4 months.
Thank you to all of you who have checked in, and who have been still visiting my action-less blog.
I'm looking forward to more.
(many more weddings and shoots to catch up on sharing)