Dear Maisie,
In your life, it is highly likely that people will try and tell you that things are boring, that life won't work out, that black friday isn't fun and that parking lots are ugly. They might tell you that you can't have fun, that you won't have fun and that you will have a miserable time. You won't... unless you want to. Today, your dad pointed something out to me in his quiet loving way. "Look at her, having the time of her life in a parking lot." You don't know that people don't generally have the best time of their life in a parking lot. You don't know any different. You only know that you want awesome and fun. So... fun it was.
Please always remember that you always have the potential for awesome. Every single moment of each and every day. You carry your own light within you. There can be darkness all around you, and you can be the only light. You just choose to shine girlfriend, and all will be well.
Love you,
mom. ox
(Many thanks to Auntie Thelma for helping us create some cherished family images tonight. xoxo)