Bryce's mom always told him to "surround yourself with good people".I can't say that I disagree.
We are so lucky to have such wonderful, kind, loving people in our lives. We are truly surrounded with good people. Big hearts go a long way with us. I'm all about the big hearts.
Shannon has a heart that is truly unparalleled. She is a gem. Bryce, Maisie, Frank and I are better with her in our lives. We smile more, laugh more, and certainly love more. Shannon works with me. Creates magic with me. Dreams up wild ideas with me. Inspires me. She picks me up 9+ months pregnant (when I was miles from laughter) and brings sunshine. We chase rainbows, wild skies and speak in a language all of our own. She turns everything into art. Her presence in our life, is a true masterpiece.
In the rain, the pouring rain... we don't even need the sun to show up, as Shannon brings it with her.
To celebrate life and love, we ventured out in the pouring rain to photograph her world. Of course, the sun came with her. She brought it out of the clouds. Congrats to you and Ryan on your recent engagement. We love you guys more than words, and are so very excited to join in on every adventure along the way. May we all grow old together (well... not in the same house, but close). xoox
The fabulous Sako pup showing off some of his very best moves
For some reason, Sako decided that the photoshoot was the perfect time to be the most wild. Of course.