You can say anything you'd like. You can tell me you love me, or you could travel from Marsailles France (where you were involved in a karate tournament) to Livorno Italy, on buses, trains, and in taxis not speaking any French or Italian... all to meet my cruise ship as we docked for 8 hours. All to surprise me, to show me you loved me. All to spend the day together at the leaning tower of Pisa. All to create memories that I would carry with me, and to show me I was loved. You could have sent an email, letting me know you couldn't make it. I would have understood. But you didn't, you came. Now, I'll never forget the way my dad looked standing at the bottom of the gangway of the Royal Princess, red Canada jacket on, khaki pants. "Everyone wears jeans in Europe" he said. He could have just called. But instead, he came. Made the grand gesture, and now... I have that with me, always. We ate overpriced pasta, drank overpriced wine. I have the photos, videos even. It meant more than words ever would.
You can say anything you'd like. There are no rules. You can say, I love you, I'll be there, I'll fundraise, I love karate, you mean the world to me. But aren't they just words, without the actions to back them. You can say you are passionate about karate. Or you can be the President of Karate BC, you can skype for hours in conferences with very important karate people, and you can lead your karate students out into the freezing cold ocean to show them the ancient Japanese tradition on how to prepare or train the spirit, in extreme conditions. Only a passionate love for a sport will lead you into the icy cold seas. He could have just said he loved karate. Instead, you are left with a handful of karate students, inspired by a teacher who truly loves his art. Actions and words are different.
My dad has been doing karate since forever. 35 years with Karate BC. 6th degree black belt. Founder and owner of Campbell Rivers, Wado Ryu Karate Club. Tournaments, officiating, Japanese exchange students. I grew up watching my dad be passionate about his art be it, twenty years ago, doing kata on a rock bluff at my grandparents cabin at Sooke, or one month after I give birth to my first child on the shores of Campbell River, BC. Seeing him live so passionately, leads me to believe that he had a hand in inspiring me to follow my dreams and be active in them.
You can say anything you'd like, or you can do something about it.
Dream something wild, and do it. Whether its inspiring others to create art, or build a garden in Nootka sound, help someone in tough times, or be an amazing friend, love your family more, or raise thousands of dollars for charity. You could show someone how much you love them, instead of writing an email with nice words. You could stand up for yourself, and change your life. Its truly your call.
Whatever it is... do it with your whole heart. Anything is possible.
In the process of you going for your dreams, who knows, you just may inspire your daughter, your students and a few others along the way. You'll never know unless you give it a shot.
Over 20 years ago in Sooke, BC. My mom photographed my dad doing his Kata on top of a bluff.
Many years later, he leads his students into the chilly water for a "Keiko" training session.
Thanks Dad, for inspiring me to live my passions, follow my dreams.
If you do get caught doing what you love... you may even be smiling like this.