Mandy... what a sweatheart.
Shawn... told me he had been ready for this day for a long time.
The two of them together... seamless.
The sun was shining... even though we thought it may rain (somewhat of a theme for this summer)...
New venues, places, and faces always bring waves of inspiration over me. A very good thing!!!
Everything was perfect!! (another theme for this summer)
On another note...I am so pleased to announce that my little blog world, has roughly about 100 hits daily... WOW!!! Thank you for stopping by!!! Some of you have let me know that you want to leave comments, but get scared or that you don't know how... DON'T BE AFRAID... comments don't bite! Plus if you hate what you say, you can delete it later!!
At the bottom of each post it will say "no comments" or "2 comments" etc... just click on that, enter your name, email address and comment, tell me what you think, what image you like... etc... click submit comment, and voila.... you've made my day!!!
Now.. onto Mandy and Shawns images...