A Few Good Tears

Rainy Wedding on Hornby IslandIt’s been a good few years…

With an updated website, a new blog, rejuvenated creative energy and a sunny disposition, I am ready for another exciting wedding season!

I've been doing a lot of thinking, a lot of breathing, and not to mention a lot of living, and I've come up with one thing that I know for sure.

I am grateful, for everything, always.

I feel so lucky to love what I do and have others reciprocate the feeling. I am overwhelmed and in disbelief at the emotional response people have been displaying for my photographs, but it makes me believe, that I'm doing something right...that I'm on the right track. Looking through past client emails, I was shocked by one underlying, and humbling fact...I'M MAKING PEOPLE CRY!

"I feel like crying!" "Almost got a little teary eyed...ok i lied, there were tears!!" "I just wanted to cry!" "You brought tears to my eyes (of course, good tears)" "they almost made me cry just looking at them." "and you actually made me cry!!!"

I'm making people cry?!

Now granted, normally that's not a good thing to do. Nobody wants to be the person to make others cry, we learned that early in life! But good tears, happy tears, I think are much different. Happy tears are ok. I am grateful. Always.

So to open up my shiny new blog (courtesy of the incredible Jeremy Latham, without whom, I'd be unsuccessful - without a website, blog, or even business cards). I'd like to thank you all for visiting, for joining me on my photographic journey, for supporting me, for believing in me and share some of my favourite wedding images from 2007. I look forward to sharing many more from 2008. Ashley in her Port McNeil Dream WeddingSonora Island WeddingRainy Wedding on Hornby IslandCampbell River Wedding Rainy wedding at Strathcona Park LodgeA perfect Campbell River WeddingWedding couple walk on the Discovery Pier in Campbell RiverBeautiful wedding at Strathcona Park Lodge The newly weds stop for a kiss at Miracle Beach in Campbell River