Gone Camping.

I will resume somewhat regular hours soon..ish. There are a ton of blogs lined up, but I am enjoying some sunshine, time with my family, friends and am refueling my soul with all things necessary. I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to take this time to soak up as many moments as possible. If you are emailing me or calling me, thank you for your patience!! I'll be back!

3 months old

It may not seem like a milestone. In 3 years, it may not even seem important. Right now, to me... it is.

3 months ago little Miss Maisie took her first breath in this world. Wiggled inside of my belly one last time, and burst forth into this world. When I think about it now, it all seems surreal. Like it was someone else cursing being pregnant, uncomfortable, awkward, bigger than before. Like it was someone else sitting on that ball in our living room, breathing through contractions. Already, it seems like it wasn't that bad. Already a bunch of the weight of the pregnancy has melted away (I said a bunch... not all). All of you that gained 25 pounds and wore bikinis a minute after your babies... well... I am not you. But, I am in love with our little girl. Sleep, bah.. who needs it.

3 months ago, Maisie was born. I can't say that I can pinpoint what changed. I can't say, "yes, this is what is different"... but everything is different. I am no longer only me. I am me plus Maisie. Granted Bryce is a part of that we as well (and Franko of course) but, its something extraordinary to become more than just you. To give up yourself to be a we. Maisie is part of me. She just is. I'm not sure that will ever change. 3 months ago seems like a second ago, and a hundred years ago.

Soaking up as much as my baby girls rolls, and smiles, and bubbles and chatter as I possibly can. Not to mention shooting like crazy in between. More sessions will follow! I promise, (I am actually about 15 behind on posting, no lie)...but for now, I celebrate our little peach and her 3 months in the world.

A room for Maisie

Maisie RoomI had so much fun dreaming up and creating a room for Maisie! I just thought I should share the finished product with you. another view A few years ago, I was blessed to come across the most amazing graphic design artist, who became an instant soul mate. Shannon now works with me and helps present my images in the very best way possible. I'm not joking when I say, everything she touches turns to art. She painted this amazing clothes line on Maisie's wall, created the most amazing origami crane mobile and saved me from insanity the last few weeks of my pregnancy. You are beyond words! You can check out some of her designs HERE details and closet My mom saved my very first pair of shoes. Just so happens they match the room perfectly and are so cute!! my shoes Canvases make my world a happy place. The canvas seen here is my great grandma Maisie working along friends in a chocolate factory in Victoria B.C. I have loved that photo my entire life, and knew it would the perfect fit for baby Maisie's room. another viewcherries My dad on one of his many karate trips to Japan, brought me back this doll. I believe I was 10 years old? I've always loved it. Japanese doll My amazing Auntie Diane made me this beautiful blanket. We are so lucky. aunie Di Out of all the dolls in the universe... I believe this one is the most amazing ever. Auntie Heather was so excited to spoil me, and Maisie. This Elfin doll is beyond anything. It is so beautiful, quirky, unique and awesome! Hand made, each patch a different texture. Unreal. Thank you Auntie Heather!!! Maisie is so lucky to have you as an Auntie! Elfin doll A girls gotta have a few special outfits (or more than a few) closet My Auntie Marie gave me a piggy bank when I was a baby, just so happens, it matches perfectly in the room as well! piggy bank And what post is complete without a little image of Maisie herself. This was when she was all of 5 days old. She has grown so much since then already! Happy Tuesday to all! Maisie

Thoughts on sleepless nights

precious faceOne thing became crystal clear to me today in regards to the newborn/infant stages of our little girls life.

This will all be a beautiful memory one day. Just as my pregnancy is now. Just as the delivery is now. Just as her first week is now. Just as her first month is now. Life moves on, with or without you. You don't stay in a moment. Good or bad. You move along. Looking back along the way, over your shoulder... watching your life as you choose to remember it. If you are able to hold onto that thought in any moment... it becomes sweeter. More poignant. More precious. Everything is more precious when you realize how impermanent it really is.

I jokingly wrote to a seasoned momma Crystal "I'm hoping this newborn-no sleep thing doesn't last forever, and that the crazy tiredness will eventually be a memory!?!!! (if it is not so, please lie to me and tell me a full nights sleep is somewhere in my future!!!!!)"

She wrote something that touched me so sweetly, she said "Don't sweat it, it will come, and then you too, will have the precious memories of the sun rising while your sweet bundle finally crashes, hands relaxed, breathing even and bottom lip moving rhythmically while she still nurses in her dreams. The times when you forget how tired or frustrated you are and revel in the magic. Enjoy, Erin, and remember you aren't necessarily missing out by not having that perfect sleeper of a baby."

It got me. In 2 months, a year, ten years... I will remember this time in our lives, as Crystal does and miss it. Likely miss it more than I know how to control. When Maisie starts to walk, when she is dressing herself, or when she no longer wants to cuddle with me. I'll remember when I used to rock her to sleep in the middle of the night with her swaddled up tightly in my arms, kissing her perfect little face over and over. We've all heard it a million times, especially with kids. "It goes so fast". I know this. I am all "live in the moment" but, I wasn't really. I mean, I was living in 'moments'... mainly good ones, but not all of them. Today I tried to consciously live in all of them.

I'm grateful that I've had this awakening now... and not regretfully in five years, wondering where all the time has all gone. I'll likely have moments, hours, days, where I forget... but hopefully I'll be able to soak it all along the way (and thankfully I'll have a little help from countless photographs as well).

Here are two of my favorites of our little girl over the past few weeks. baby facesweeeeetness