If you have one, you know there is something beautiful that ties you to each other.
It's without color or shape, or even form... but it's there.
It is an unspoken, irreplaceable, and an indescribable kind of magic.
For that reason (and many others) I love these images of Hannah and Ella.
Your story
I don't know your story. The details. The particulars.
I don't know what time you get up every morning, how you like your coffee, or even your favorite color. I don't know how you might describe yourself, your son, your life. I don't know a whole lot, looking through my lens. But the beauty of it all, is that I can feel it all. I can feel how he fills you up when he reaches for a hug. I can see your face become full of light as you watch him run towards us. I can feel the unbreakable, undeniable and unparalleled love between the two of you, and I can't help but smile... from the inside out.
I don't know your story, your details... but I know how much this little man means to you. Its a beautiful thing. I'm honored to be a part of your story, however small that part may be. May your road ahead be full of light and love and of course magic.
Sunshine and beaches= Happy Families
Who doesn't want photos along the shores of the island that they love the most of the people they love the most. I mean really. A beautiful sunny day. A couple of gorgeous sisters. Absolutely fabulous. I've said it before, and I shall announce it again... I'm a lover of the wild west coast rain, but hallelujah for a little sunshine every now and then. Have a grand Thursday everyone.
Gumboots and rainbows.
If your family is all gumboots, umbrellas and rainbows... well, I'm in. A true west coast family on a typical Vancouver Island day. Awesome.
Its my pleasure to introduce you to Sarah and Dave and their small creations. It also happens to be Sarahs birthday today, so Happy Birthday Sarah!
May your year be filled with rain clouds and sun bursts, big smiles and rainbows.
Introducing Hudson William!
Not so very long ago we photographed Tiffany and Braden and their beautiful belly creation. It is my pleasure.... to introduce the little love bug that joined the world on February 10, 2010. I was most honored to have them journey over from their happy little cozy nest in Vancouver, solely for our photo session last weekend. How cute is he?
Many have asked about the cute baby hats that have been featured lately... ETSY people. Etsy. Check it out!
On a personal note, you may have noticed my lack of blogging lately. Well, apparently creating a baby takes just as much of my creative energy as physical. So, I'm rolling with it for a while. But, believe me... when the I feel inspired to blog more, you'll be the first to know! Have an amazing weekend!