What a better way to start off Valentines Day, than with a super cute family of three!
Meet Jeanine, Bryce and their little man Ryland. Really looking forward to their wedding this summer at Dolphins Resort, here in Campbell River.
Oh Ryland... you are SO CUTE!
Happy Monday, hope you had a wonderful weekend and are en route to a fabulous week.
I can't handle how cute this photo is. I believe little Ryland is making faces at Auntie Erin! ha!
And, no more photos please lady!
No one wants to end a post with baby tears... so we'll leave you with a rather adorable little baby smile instead!
Okay, one more Landon post....
I know that I've posted a whole lot about little Landon lately... see last two entries, but I just can't help it!
Here is little Landon at two weeks old, with his mom and dad.
What a love. (Can't possibly tell you how excited this makes me to meet our little girl! Not long now...)
This one cracks me up... somewhat like.."Yahoo, I made it to the world!" So cute!
Baby Landon enters the world.
I thought I knew about babies being born. I thought, "I've seen a million episodes of the baby story, I get it". No actually, I had no idea, and although I've now been through 14 hours of labor beside a friend and witnessed a real live birth... I still don't know the first thing about it.
What I do know, for sure, is... women are amazing. Stacey was in labor for somewhere near 36 hours. We had decided weeks ago that I would be there to photograph the delivery. I was called at 8am on January 14, 2010. I didn't leave the hospital until after 10pm on the same day. That wasn't necessarily in the plan, especially being 30 weeks pregnant myself. But I wouldn't take back a single second of it. If you've ever been a part of a 'baby story' you'll know what I mean in saying it is life altering and absolutely incredible. I was also unbelievably honored to be given the kind of immense trust to be aloud into such intimate and emotional moments. This was one of the most rewarding, special, and not to mention beautiful experiences of my life. One more thing, before I leave you with a slideshow of the experience... Midwives are AMAZING. I love my midwife and also Stacey's. We should all be so lucky to have these insanely gifted women in our lives. Thank you so much to Stacey and Eddie for allowing me to post this slideshow as well.
I am forever changed.
**If you are visiting this post from USA please view video without music.. by clicking HERE.*** The songs are Feels like home by Edwina Hayes and Lullaby by the Dixie Chicks.
You are a marvel
“Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again. And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are? We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel? You must work, we must all work, to make the world worthy of its children.”
-Pablo Picasso
Hannah is the eldest of three amazingly fascinating souls. Hannah is kind, caring, and has a purity to her that is like childlike innocence and gold all in one. You always know where things are at with Hannah, she's an open book. Her soul seeps out of her pours, in plain view for the world. In Hannah's eyes it's easy to see love.
Ella Ireland is the middle child. Full of mischevious wit, boundless humor, and endless creativity. She is quirky, somewhat unpredictable and always true to herself. She is the surprising one. When you least expect it, she will throw her arms around you and say something that melts you into instantly. Like "Auntie Erin... you are sooooo special" She is also the one that will not just shed one or two small tears over something, but will BURST into a flurry of crocodile tears, suddenly, without warning. She doesn't give up her love to just anyone. But once you have it, you are filled up entirely.
Elijah is highly spirited to say the very, very least. He has an inability to sit still. He is alive. He is full of life, energy and full of all sorts of quirks. His report card names him as one of the most popular little dudes in school. He calls it "famous". He is charismatic, moody, charming and irresistibly sweet. He has a bad temper, and a sharp mind. My time with him as a baby was spent perfecting the art of the baby dance, as he was terribly hard to calm down. He makes you want to know him forever.
Its no secret that I've loved this family from the beginning of time. I've been through it all. Witnessed each of them as a brand new baby, been woken up by their little peepers staring at me, grinning... whispering.. "Auntie Erin, are you awake?". They've irritated me, inspired me, lifted me and quite honestly served as a very happy place for me. Time spent with them feels profound. Meaningful. Well spent. I am blessed with their love and friendship. Through good times and hardship, through tragedy, happiness, strength, and many changes... one thing remains the same. I am better with these people in my life.
A mothers love for her children is magnificent.
When one journey ends...
Another entirely new one begins.
Today marks the end and last day of my 2009 cans for comments campaign. Thank you so much for your thoughtful, heartfelt and touching comments. For taking time out of your busy lives to stop by my blog and share in my journeys with me. You don't have to come here. You don't have to read these words. But you are. I am grateful. Always.
I loved so many of Kelsey and Steve's maternity images below are a few from their session a month ago...
I can barely believe, still... after photographing so many maternity/newborn sessions... the absolute miracle that you can be carrying a baby inside of you one day, and the next... they are in the world. It just absolutely blows my mind. I must have burst into tears at least five times during our newborn session with little baby Foster. The innocence, the perfection is something so precious it simply takes my breath away.
Thank you for choosing me to share this time in your lives with. What a beautiful family.
So.. for the rest of the day... comment away. Tomorrow I will tally up all the comments and announce the end result! So awesome. Remember to comment, to donate, to share to give to be better than you were yesterday. Why not.