You can't possibly not fall hilariously in love with these wildly spirited, song singing, arm waving, bird chasing girls! These girls are blessed with being surrounded by inspired creative creatures and you can clearly see that it has rubbed off on them! Imagination is one of the most spectacular gifts of childhood, and when you have grown ups around that encourage imagination and art and life and laughter... it clearly shines. Especially through the lens of a camera.
Have a look at some of my favorites from our fun filled session.

Meet the oldest of these three gals, Rhys. Fun loving, full of imagination and magic.

Meet Avery. The highly spirited, wild child of the bunch.

Meet Maryn. Seriously sweet, always smiley and ready to cuddle.

Yes, I realize her eyes are closed, but I just think it adds to her absolute sweetness. A fleeting moment. A blink.

Grammie came along to help wrangle the small people, and of course I forced her into a photo!
I'll leave you with this image of each little creature, doing their own thing.
The sun is shining... thats my cue to get outside. Have a fabulous weekend everybody!
Smile at a stranger, pay for someone's coffee unexpectedly, sing for no reason, create a craft with a child, dance in the shower and walk your dog.